Frostbattle Tournament II - 17th Sep

Winter cold is coming and it's a time to remember. It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.
We will have battles of 8 vs 8 in the Spirit of playing together we play E-Sport styleallow only 3 members of the same class in this tournament. Mandatory Team Setup 2 Ice Witch need to start the winter.
1st place 5000 crystals
2nd place 3000 crystals
3th/4th place 2000 crystals each
5th-8th place 1000 crystals each
min lvl 1
max lvl 30
min player 6
max player 8
For All lvl. Registrations open Thursday 14nd Sep and close the day of tournament Night at 18:40 CET. The tournament starts at 19:00 CET on Sunday 17th Sep.