Last Tournament EU Panzar
First I want write: What this is? Clan Exclusive not first time doing this and always gived acc russian player:
1. Mysterious (russian player) - exclusive gave acc from RU serwer player and White Wolfs can check IP. This is ban acc 101% (Multi acc) and acc Great DICH (russian player too, Multu acc). If we nothing doing Exclusive always go doing this and maybe leater seccond clan too. What this is??
2. Clan Stone Sour (team: We Die Young) play 10 people (I have foto) White Wolfs talk: 4 player need play all match if they not play all match = disqualification. They again play not fair becouse last tournament they need have disqualification too.
3. Exclusive tournament 12.10.2017 (Storm Tournament IV) give team to tournament and not played in tournament vs VanillaSky (they go louse 2 valkower match). This = disqualification + not play 1 tournament. Full people exclusive go seccond clan and they go play??? This is no fair I think.
That is all what I want say.
Regards MrTheBoSS